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Message from the Principal

Welcome to Irshadiyya family,

As Principal I am highly impressed by the commitment of the school management, the teaching staff and other non teaching staff bestow upon the excellence of all-round education for our students. Our staff is working hard to prepare engaging and rewarding learning experiences for all our students. We place high value on our parents, families, and community and we invite you to be an active part of helping students to achieve their full potential.

We offer CBSE broad curriculum and a range of opportunities for all our students to achieve excellence in academic, creative, social, cultural, sporting and community endeavours. We value collaborative learning, positive relationships and building capacity amongst our students to effectively allow them to engage in the world of the future, where problem solving, evaluating, working in teams, communicating, creating and innovating are not only valued concepts, but expected skills, attributes and capabilities.

We believe that each and every student has a gift to share, and we work hard to unlock their highest potential. We have high expectations of our students, and we have high expectations of ourselves to help all Irshadiyya students learn and grow into well-rounded citizens and critical thinkers. To help our student be successful in life, help them understand what is required of them to be a good learner inside and outside of the classroom. Talk about qualities and learning behaviors.

Students need both high challenge and high support to grow as learners, and we look forward to helping students maximize their growth at Irshadiyya. Dear parents, please be our partners in this work. Let us know how we can help them. We look forward to working with families to accomplish great things for our students! Jai Hind Jai Irshadiyya

Muraleedharan. K V
Irshadiyya Group of Education

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Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi. No 930275 Kovalloor.P.O , Kothamangalam, Eranakulam Dt.

+91 9539 011384
